Watertown Lincoln Kindergarten Mailing List

Welcome to the Watertown Lincoln Kindergarten list.

The Watertown Lincoln Kindergarten list is designed for parents and interested members of Lincoln Elementary Kindergarten students to receive communications about their child and the school and learning environment as well as special events and activities

How do I subscribe to the Watertown Lincoln Kindergarten mailing list?

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownLincolnKindergarten
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you join the mailing list, the you will be sent a welcome message informing you that you are subscribed.

How do I unsubscribe from the Watertown Lincoln Kindergarten mailing list?

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe WatertownLincolnKindergarten
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you leave the mailing list, you will be sent a farewell message informing you that you are unsubscribed.

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