SFSD Professional Development Mailing List

Welcome to the Sioux Falls School District Professional Development list.

This list will provide email notices of all upcoming professional development opportunities in the Sioux Falls School District. Members can also use this list to ask PD or curriculum questions and/or to find others who might wish to collaborate on projects or in book talks.

How do I send to the SFSD Professional Development mailing list?

Send an email message to SFSD_PD@k12.sd.us. Use a subject appropriate for your message, and ensure the content of your message is appropriate for the intended audience.

How do I subscribe to the SFSD Professional Development mailing list?

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe SFSD_PD
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you join the mailing list, the you will be sent a welcome message informing you that you are subscribed.

How do I unsubscribe from the SFSD Professional Development mailing list?

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe SFSD_PD
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you leave the mailing list, you will be sent a farewell message informing you that you are unsubscribed.

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